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Web page colors can be specified by hexadecimal RGB (red-green-blue) intensity value or simply by name. While the hex method allows for very accurate specification, the name method is more readable. 
Most Web browsers recognize the 136 named colors that are listed in the following table. The table includes a sample of the color, the color name, and the matching hexadecimal RGB value. If you don't see any colors in the first column, then your browser does not support background color in table cells. 
Strangely, most of these colors are not in Netscape's 216 color non-dithering palette. As always, it is a good idea to test your Web pages on multiple browser platforms to determine if the colors look the way you want them to. 

ColorHex Equivalent
 Alice Blue#A0CE00
 Antique White#FAEBD7
 Blanched Almond#FFEBCD
 Blue Violet#8A2BE2
 Burly Wood#DEB887
 Cadet Blue#5F9EA0
 Corn Flower Blue#6495ED
 Corn Silk#FFF8DC
 Dark Blue#00008B
 Dark Cyan#008B8B
 Dark Goldenrod#B8860B
 Dark Gray#A9A9A9
 Dark Green#006400
 Dark Khaki#BDB76B
 Dark Magenta#BD008B
 Dark Olive Green#556B2F
 Dark Orange#FF8C00
 Dark Orchid#9932CC
 Dark Red#8B0000
 Dark Salmon#E9967A
 Dark Sea Green#8FBC8F

 Dark Slate Blue#483D8B
 Dark Slate Gray#2F4F4F
 Dark Turquoise#00CED1
 Dark Violet#9400D3
 Deep Pink#FF1493
 Deep Sky Blue#00BFFF
 Dim Gray#696969
 Dodger Blue#1E90FF
 Fire Brick#B22222
 Floral White#FFFAF0
 Forest Green#228B22
 Ghost White#F8F8FF
 Green Yellow#ADFF2F
 Hot Pink#FF69B4
 Indian Red#CD5C5C
 Lavender Blush#FFF0F5
 Lemon Chiffon#FFFACD
 Light Blue#ADD8E6
 Light Coral#F08080
 Light Cyan#E0FFFF
 Light Goldenrod Yellow#FAFAD2
 Light Green#90EE90
 Light Gray#D3D3D3

 Light Pink#FFB6C1
 Light Salmon#FFA07A
 Light Sea Green#20B2AA
 Light Sky Blue#87CEFA
 Light Slate Gray#778899
 Light Steel Blue#B0C4DE
 Light Yellow#FFFFE0
 Lime Green#32CD32
 Medium Aquamarine#66CDAA
 Medium Blue#0000CD
 Medium Orchid#BA55D3
 Medium Purple#9370DB
 Medium Sea Green#3CB371
 Medium Slate Blue#7B68EE
 Medium Spring Green#00FA9A
 Medium Turquoise#48D1CC
 Medium Violet Red#C71585
 Midnight Blue#191970
 Mint Cream#F5FFFA
 Misty Rose#FFE4E1
 Navajo White#FFDEAD
 Old Lace#FDF5E6
 Olive Drab#6B8E23
 Orange Red#FF4500
 Pale Goldenrod#EEE8AA
 Pale Green#98FB98

 Pale Turquoise#AFEEEE
 Pale Violet Red#DB7093
 Papaya Whip#FFEFD5
 Peach Puff#FFDAB9
 Powder Blue#B0E0E6
 Rosy Brown#BC8F8F
 Royal Blue#4169E1
 Saddle Brown#8B4513
 Sea Green#2E8B57
 Sea Shell#FFF5EE
 Sky Blue#87CEEB
 Slate Blue#6A5ACD
 Slate Gray#708090
 Spring Green#00FF7F
 Steel Blue#4682B4
 White Smoke#F5F5F5
 Yellow Green#9ACD32

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