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The Pack Command |
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CA-Clipper maintains backwards compatibilty with dBase III. Many
of the "old fashioned" dBase commands still exist in CA-Clipper. One of
the most common is the pack command, which "compresses" a
data file by removing deleted records. First, a bit of background. CA-Clipper uses a "two stage delete" methodology when handling unwanted records. Initially, records are only marked with a flag, which indicates the intention to remove them "later". The flag is actually stored in a hidden 1-character field that CA-Clipper places at the beginning of every record. The delete flag can be set or cleared, which allows the user to "change his mind" in order to bring back a record that was marked for deletion. In SQL databases there is no such thing as two-stage delete. A deleted record is gone. So in SQL systems, records can be "held for later" or "archived" either by copying the record to another table (with the same structure), or by the use of some kind of status field, which might contain "ACTIVE" or "ARCHIVED", or a shorter value. Most queries would then be built with a condition of 'STATUS="ACTIVE"'. The details, of course, depend on the application. CA-Clipper uses the set deleted command to control whether
deleted records are visible. It does this by automatically adding a
filter on top of any filter that may exist. When set deleted
is ON , most CA-Clipper commands ignore deleted records, so
set deleted ON is commonly added at the beginning of every
pack command moves through the data file looking for
records that are marked for deletion. Then it moves non-deleted records
down into the spaces previously occupied by the deleted records. At the
end of the process, the data file is truncated to return the excess space
to the operating system and the new number of records (five in this
example) is stored in the header of the table.
The diagram indicates deleted records by surrounding them with square
brackets ("[" and "]") and with a red color. |
The process is potentially quite dangerous. If the power (or network
connection) were to fail, several problems could occur.
There is also the simple fact that the pack command requires
that the table be opened in exclusive mode. This means that
the file cannot be opened by any other users on the network until the
command is finished and the file is closed. Thus, pack becomes something that is done by an administrator
"at night". With today's 24-hour global businesses, it is difficult to
schedule such tasks. So the best way to use the pack command is to not use
it at all. See Record Recycling for a
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Send comments about this site to Greg at
gregh@ghservices.com All pages copyright © 1996-1999 GH Services Created 1997/08/20 Last updated 1999/09/30 All trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners |