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Replace a Public Variable With a Set/Get Function |
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Public variables are inefficient and unprotected, just like
private variables. (See Converting
to CA-Clipper 5 for a discussion of private variables.) However, public variables serve a very useful purpose: to store a value that is accessible throughout the entire program. The following is a sample of source code that uses a public variable:
At line 12, the number 0 is assigned to the cUserName variable.
This is not an error as far as CA-Clipper is concerned, because CA-Clipper
is not a strongly-typed language. However, an alarm should go off in your
mind because the name of the variable, cUserName , indicates
that only character values should be assigned to the variable. This
assumption is based on the use of Hungarian
Notation. Some other part of the program will probably fail when
it encounters a numeric value where it expects a character. Line 13 is also a problem because the release command
completely removes the variable from memory, thus subsequent references to
the variable will fail. What is needed is a way to prevent the assignment of invalid data, and a way to protect the value from being released. This is accomplished by creating a set/get function.
UserName() function manages all
accesses to the internal scName variable (defined on line
14), which acts like a buffer. The function allows you to assign to the
buffer (set) and it returns the previous value of the buffer
(get), which is why it is called a set/get
function. At line 9, attempting to assign 0 to the value is ignored, because the code at line 17 only allows the assignment if the parameter to the function is a character. Further processing could be performed here, for example to convert the parameter to uppercase, or to remove all leading and trailing spaces. Here is a replacement for line 18 that does these things: 18 scName := upper(alltrim(pcNewName)) The code at line 10 ( release cUserName ) serves no purpose
and does no harm, because there is no longer a variable called
cUserName .
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gregh@ghservices.com All pages copyright © 1996-1999 GH Services Created 1997/06/06 Last updated 1999/09/30 All trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners |