The following is a listing of functions and other elements presented at
this site. Implements commands for default parameter initialization. Commands to yield CPU cycles under multi-tasking OSs.
AddRec ( ) Adds a record to a table by re-using deleted ones.
ADelete ( paArray, pnElement ) Deletes an element from an array.
AInsert ( paArray, pnElement ) Adds an element to an array.
DosErrMsg ( pnErr ) Returns the text of a given DOS error.
EraseRec ( ) Blanks out and deletes a record, allowing it to be recycled.
EmptyType ( pcType ) Returns an empty value of the specified type.
RecIsEmpty ( ) Determines if all fields of a record are blank or empty.
StoD ( pcString ) Converts a date string into a date value. Opposite of dtos().
YMDtoDate ( pnYear, pnMonth, pnDay ) Converts separate year, month, and day numbers into a date value.